Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Innere Werte

Hätte ich nicht - peinlich, peinlich! - kunstgerecht in die Stromleitung gebohrt, wäre mir dieser interessante Einblick ins ganz lege artis wiederhergebypasste Gekröse meiner Wand verwehrt geblieben:


  1. go! i would order a black frame of corresponding size and say to guests, that your electrician is follower of russian constructivism (in all meanings of this word)

  2. unfortunately the hole is already closed! so the black frame would only contain a grey square in it - and that would be a bit too uninspired for a malevich... ;-)

  3. "pale shadow of Kazimir's fame"
    Electician, 2009. wall, short circuit, plaster
