Thursday, August 6, 2009


Oh nein!, durch Zufall habe ich diesen italienischen Spot entdeckt und feststellen müssen, dass der Held meiner Kindheit, Freddy Krueger, mittlerweile durch Fonzies-Werbung sein Geld verdient... so tief kann man sinken, wenn man kein Traummann mehr ist!:

Ob ihm da das angekündigte (dunklere, bösere) Remake des Erstlings helfen wird...?


  1. I just had to laugh my pants off with this one!! HAHAHA.....

    Poor Frd. He has sunk so much.... that he has become so SOFT.

  2. that's exactly what i thought when i saw it. but i hope the remake will bring him back to his old powers.

    on the other hand does his favour for fonzies make me wonder what they might taste like - especially since he enjoys them so much that he forgets about his razorhand... ;-)

  3. p.s.:
    a razorhand which is, btw, PERFECT for sushi. :-)
