Monday, August 24, 2009

Klassiker im Bild - Krankenschwesterszene

Für mich immer noch eine der besten Filmszenen der Horrorfilmgeschichte (obwohl der Rest von Exorcist III größtenteils Mittelmaß ist). Wirkt natürlich noch viel mehr, wenn im Gesamtzusammenhang des Films gesehen (Spannungsaufbau, Hintergrundgeschichte), ist aber schon für sich bemerkenswert (die Perspektive! die Unbewegtheit und Ungeschnittenheit der Einstellung!):

Und ich bin übrigens nicht der einzige, der dieser Meinung ist, wie man beim Lesen diverser Film- und Horrorfilmforen erfahren kann:
"[...] a lesson in how to successfully make a scene that scares the pants off of anyone." (

"One of the scariest moments in cinema." (

"I'm not scared easily, considering myself as true hardcore horror fan, but this scene made me jump. Actually, not jump... I couldn't not move to be honest. But something had strong desire to come out from me." (

"[...] still gets me, it's basic but very clever horror." (

"[one] of the most startling scenes you’ll witness in a horror film!" (

"[...] It’s a genuine scare that has a truly fantastique wildness to it [...]" (

"[...] always scares the hell out of me [...]" (

"[...] a beautifully scary moment that doesn't fail to make your heart skip a beat." (

"[...] continues to be one of the scariest movie moments in history." (

"[...] gets mentioned in a different thread nearly every month. Is it one of the scariest things that you will see in film history? - watch it and see." (


  1. Since i dont like horror moviesss.... I will not even try to look at it. Just the idea of opening this... scares the creepers out of me!!!

  2. nono!, you should really give it a try. the scene is remarkable. and you won't forget it, i promise. so do it! open it! watch it! now! :-)
